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Friday, November 15, 2013

Cleaning out the desktop!

Yes, it has come down to this. My desktop is over flowing with images that I downloaded off the internet. I can't help it! There's always something that I HAVE to download. I'm super fascinated by the littlest things; especially when it comes to moons, stars, bubbles, bunnies, kittens, puppies, bats, modeling, and outdoor photography! It's crazy hard to avoid it all! But I have decided to upload little things like my GIFs to this new blog. That's why I created this account on Blogger today. This way, I will not have to lose out on losing all my hard downloaded work. That, and I always get super attached to all my images. So I'm starting off with a few things for now; okay! Let's get ready! Let the uploading begin!

Another hard thing is when you have thrown it out, you want it back, so you get on the internet to look for the same thing, but then never find it. Which always leaves me feeling upset and wishing that I should have never thrown it out. Even though I know that I am doing the right thing by cleaning up my computer, it makes me feel sad losing everything I saved for so long.

These GIFs make me laugh! My favorite one is the little pug dog- look at that face, It's hilarious! Well, I think I will make another post for more images; I think that I uploaded enough for this one. As you can see this round was more colorful then the first, but I should tell you that I go back and forth with these two themes. I love colors, and then on the other hand, I love just plain Black-n-White photos.

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